No. 71 (2025): Enero-abril

Rawls and Machiavelli on the “Problem of Envy”

Hugo Tavera Villegas

Published 2024-12-10


  • Rawls,
  • Machiavelli,
  • Envy,
  • Republic,
  • Plebeian institutions

How to Cite

Tavera Villegas, H. (2024). Rawls and Machiavelli on the “Problem of Envy”. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 71, 147-178.


In this paper, I present the interpretations offered by John Rawls and Machiavelli about what the former calls the “problem of envy” in A Theory of Justice. I argue that the differences between Rawls and Machiavelli on this matter express what I call here the liberal and plebeian versions of the problem of envy. Through this comparison, I argue that Rawls’s egalitarian project requires the kind of politicization of the many that constitutes the core of the republicanism defended by Machiavelli, particularly in the Discourses.


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