From the “Right to Have Rights” to Biopolitics: Critical Perspectives on the Nation-State and Nationalism in the Work of Hannah Arendt
Published 2024-12-16
- nationalism,
- nation-state,
- biopolitics,
- capitalism,
- xenophobia
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This paper explores the connections between The Origins of Totalitarianism and The Human Condition regarding the concepts of nation, nation state and nationalism. In doing so, it expands on Hannah Arendt’s best-known ideas on these topics from perspectives specific to her reflection on the vita activa. To this end, both the reconstruction of Arendt’s critical stance towards capitalism and the concept of biopolitics (not explicitly mentioned by Arendt in her work) allow us to reread The Human Condition from a perspective centered on Arendt’s thematization of “the national”. Such an analysis aims not only at broadening the possibilities of Arendt’s reflection on the nation and nationalism, but also at renewing the philosophical ideas on these contemporary phenomena.
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