No. 70 (2024): Septiembre-diciembre

The Counterintuitive Logic of the Nothing and the Gift of Nihilism: A Reading of Heidegger

Martin Stephan Becker Lorca
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Published 2024-08-15


  • Martin Heidegger,
  • nothing,
  • nihil negativum,
  • Being as nothing,
  • nihilism

How to Cite

Becker Lorca, M. S. (2024). The Counterintuitive Logic of the Nothing and the Gift of Nihilism: A Reading of Heidegger. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 70, 221-249.


This paper presents an interpretation of nihilism based on the logic of nothingness. In the first part, I explore the mode of manifestation of nothingness, arguing that it resides at the core of the negative mode in which the Being of beings reveals itself: its withdrawal is precisely its mode of giving itself to us. To examine this obscure mode of disclosure, I distinguish between two different meanings of nothingness: nothingness as the total other of beings and Being as nothing. Following the latter and the negative and counterintuitive logic that it implies, in the second part, I offer an interpretation of nihilism. If in the age of nihilism “there is nothing to Being itself”—as Heidegger claimed—one may argue—with Heidegger—that this “denial itself had to become the highest and most austere revealing of Being.” This interpretation of nihilism may contradict Heidegger’s own often reactionary views on modernity.


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