No. 70 (2024): Septiembre-diciembre

Money and Representation: A Rereading of the Theory of Money in the Grundrisse

Cristián Sucksdorf
Instituto de Filosofía Dr Alejandro Korn

Published 2024-08-15


  • Grundrisse,
  • Marx,
  • money,
  • representation,
  • real contradiction

How to Cite

Sucksdorf, C. (2024). Money and Representation: A Rereading of the Theory of Money in the Grundrisse. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 70, 251-280.


This paper deals with the theory of money that Marx develops in book I of the Grundrisse based on a general interpretative hypothesis that I call the “representation problem,” which alludes to the historical process of the increasing substitution of the founding interrelations of bodies by their represented form. The paper shows that this problem appears, first, in Marx’s critique of Alfred Darimon, the main point of which is the real contradictions that “put” money and that money itself also determines; second, regarding the character of money as a “mere sign” which gives rise to a “real generality”; finally, it can be seen in the three dimensions of representation (imaginary, real, and symbolic) that emerge from monetary genesis and that support, in turn, its three functions: measurement, circulation, and hoarding.


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