No. 70 (2024): Septiembre-diciembre

Time, Motion and Soul in Aristotle: Is Motion a Sufficient Condition for the Existence of Time?

Published 2024-08-15


  • Aristotle,
  • time,
  • soul,
  • number of movement,
  • measure of movement

How to Cite

Llovet-Abascal, J. M. (2024). Time, Motion and Soul in Aristotle: Is Motion a Sufficient Condition for the Existence of Time?. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 70, 371-405.


In this paper, I discuss the conditions for the possibility of the existence of time according to Aristotle’s Physics IV, 10-14. For this purpose, I present three thought experiments that help to clarify the nature of time. According to my reading, motion is not a sufficient condition for the existence of time; such condition is, instead, that motion could be measured—even if it is not actually measured. There is time when a movement can be put in a relation of proportion with another movement.


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