No. 69 (2024): Mayo-agosto

F. H. Jacobi and the Problem of Affection in Kant: A Methodological Solution

Nicolás Guzmán Grez
Ruhr Universität Bochum

Published 2024-04-04


  • Jacobi,
  • Kant,
  • affection,
  • thing in itself,
  • methodology

How to Cite

Guzmán Grez, N. (2024). F. H. Jacobi and the Problem of Affection in Kant: A Methodological Solution. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 69, 31-53.


This paper seeks to describe F. H. Jacobi’s critique of transcendental philosophy concerning the problem of affection and the thing in itself. This critique attributes to Kant’s thought an idealism incompatible with any notion of realism. Jacobi’s interpretation, however, rests on an ignorance of the methodological-transcendental nature not only of the terminology involved in the problem of affection, but of the whole Kantian reflection about knowledge. The exegetical model of the two aspects view has provided instruments that allowed for a hermeneutical reconstruction of the problem of affection and put in evidence the methodological mistake present in Jacobi’s critique.


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