No. 69 (2024): Mayo-agosto

Benjamin Constant’s Two Liberties

Daniel Mansuy
Universidad de los Andes (Santiago de Chile)

Published 2024-04-04

How to Cite

Mansuy, D. (2024). Benjamin Constant’s Two Liberties. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, (69), 119–146.


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This article relativizes the thesis that Benjamin Constant’s thought is a direct antecedent of Isaiah Berlin’s distinction between positive and negative freedom. According to that position, there would be a clear similarity between Berlin’s Two Concepts of Liberty and Constant’s The Liberty of Ancients Compared with that of Moderns. Firstly, I talk about the way in which Berlin refers to Constant in order to account for the latter’s distinction. I then examine a relevant difficulty for Berlin’s proposed affiliation: Constant’s republican tone. Thirdly, I discuss Constant’s thought to determine the role played by this republican tone, which is indispensable to measure his differences when compared with Berlin. Finally, I conclude with some reflections on the relationship between the two authors.


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