

Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía
 is a specialized publication aimed at professionals within the national and international philosophical community.  It has appeared uninterruptedly from 1991 thanks to the support and financial aid of Universidad Panamericana’s School of Philosophy.  We accept unsolicited, unpublished, original manuscripts in Spanish, English, French, Italian, German, and Portuguese.  The contents and methodology of all articles must be predominantly philosophical.  The journal is not limited to a specific area of field within philosophy, so long as there is rigor and methodological sophistication in the research done and in the mode of exposition.  We do not publish manuscripts that are non-academic, general, or theological, nor do we publish survey articles, articles focusing on art or literary criticism, or interdisciplinary studies that are not carried out with a predominantly philosophical methodology and content.  Each article shall be submitted to a rigorous peer review process, following the double-blind method of evaluation.  The format and quality specifications which authors must follow are found in the section Submission Guidelines. Our code of ethics is found below.

The journal is issued in the months of January and July of each year, both in open-access digital format and in print.  The latter is distributed internationally by means of exchange and donations. 

In 2023, 45% of articles received were accepted for publication, and 55 % were rejected.

Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía appears in the following indexes, catalogs, and databases: The Philosopher’s Index, Répertoire bibliographique de la philosophie, DIALNET, Latindex, Filos, Clase, REDALyCSCIELO, DOAJ, REDIB, EBSCO, ELSEVIER, SCOPUS.

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Revista Panamericana de Pedagogía. Saberes y quehaceres del pedagogo, is edited since 2000 by the Escuela de Pedagogia of Universidad Panamericana, campus Mexico City. It publishes specialized and unpublished contributions, both national and international, that may contribute to the advance in the knowledge of the field of education and pedagogy through the study of paradigms, scopes, theories, models and educational expressions. The topics centered in educational theory and thought and educational actors, processes and institutions, are particularly relevant.


The journal entitled Revista Panamericana de Comunicación was founded, as its name indicates, with a clear aim towards Pan-American universality, that is, as an instrument for the mobilization, study and impact of communication research in the geographical areas of North America, Latin America and Europe.

Revista Panamericana de Comunicación transcends the Pan-American borders, and acts as a bridge between the Americas and Europe that is supported by two strong supports, specifically Mexico and Spain. To date, the journal has principally addressed topics related to political communication, photography and ethics, television narratives, ethics and aesthetics, research methodologies and the presentation of results in communication, history of communication, the film industry and videogames.


Conocimiento y Acción is a peer-reviewed electronic journal for scholars in the humanities. It publishes biannual theoretical articles, essays and reviews on the various social, literary and philosophical disciplines that contribute to a broad and universal understanding of the human being.


Ratio decidendi focuses on the study of constitutional and conventional justice and the impact of its work in the different areas of law: constitutional, private, procedural, human rights and administrative law, among others, and its effect on state performance, especially in public policies.

The journal pursue to promote an enriching dialogue in the legal community about the performance of constitutional justice and its contributions to strengthening the rule of law, constitutional democracy and the edification of a common rationality in constitutional matters.