"NursiVocation, identity and work in nursing: the balance between the internal goods of the profession and the demands of the practice environmentng as a Vocational Profession: Influence of the Professional Practice Environment on the Nurse-Patient Interpersonal Relationship"
Published 2024-12-23
- Professional vocation,
- Professional identity,
- Nursing,
- Organizational environment,
- Moral distress
How to Cite
Nursing, as a vocational profession, is defined by a deep commitment to patient well-being, driven by ethical and human principles. However, in current healthcare settings, organizational demands can conflict with the internal values that guide the profession, such as person-centred care and the building of authentic relationships with patients. This tension between professional vocation and the conditions of the practice environment can lead to a disconnection that affects both the well-being of nurses and the quality of care they provide. Factors such as lack of time, workload overload, and a high nurse-patient “ratio” make it difficult for nurses to fully exercise their vocation, contributing to increased moral distress and burnout. An appropriate balance between the internal goods of the profession and the demands of the practice environment, one that values the professionals’ vocation and promotes autonomy, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a culture of care, can mitigate burnout and foster nurse engagement. For this to happen, healthcare organizations must adapt their organizational structures to the characteristics of nurses’ professional identity, ensuring that they can fulfil their internal aims.
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