Is my profession vocational? Contributions from psychology to understand the relationship between profession and identity
Published 2024-12-04
- Vocational identity,
- Review,
- Career choice,
- Social interest,
- Moral orientation
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This article seeks to answer the question of what defines a vocational profession, or more specifically, what psychology refers to when applying the adjective ‘vocational’ to the process of choosing a profession. First, a brief overview of the main psychological theories on identity and career choice will be presented. In these theories, the term ‘vocational’ denotes a fit between the person (individual interests and abilities) and the environment (the work setting and the skills required within it). Second, it will be shown that the moral aspect is a largely understudied feature in career choice and development theories. Moral aspect is understood as the motivation to practice the profession with a prosocial orientation (caring for and attending to people). This article suggests that the relationship between vocational fit and moral motivation in professional practice offers interesting possibilities for empirical research.
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