The Craft of the Sage in the digital age: Reflections on the educational legacy of Thomas Aquinas
Published 2024-05-27
- Thomas Aquinas,
- Education,
- Integral education,
- Digital education,
- Educational innovation
- Technology ...More
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The educational legacy of Thomas Aquinas is based on the harmony between reason and faith, the integral formation of individuals, and the importance of reason in acquiring knowledge and making ethical decisions. These principles continue to be relevant to education in the digital age, where technology has transformed the way we learn and teach. Online education has democratized access to knowledge and enabled the personalization of learning, which aligns with the holistic formation promoted by Aquinas. Ethics plays a crucial role in digital education, and Thomas Aquinas provides a sound ethical framework for addressing issues related to technology and ethical decision-making online. Online educators have a responsibility to promote moral virtues and encourage ethical online behavior among students, following Aquinas’ example. The teacher, according to Thomas Aquinas, acts as a guide in the learning process, stimulating critical thinking and providing support and feedback; in online education, the teacher retains this essential role, adapting his or her approach to digital environments and using digital tools to facilitate teaching and feedback. The educational legacy of Thomas Aquinas remains relevant in the digital age, where education has been transformed but the search for truth, the formation of virtues and the integral development of the individual remain fundamental.
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