Author Guidelines


Contributions must be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx) by email to, or using the web site's platform by signing in. The manuscripts will not exceed a total of between 9.000 and 12.000 words, including footnotes, excluding bibliography. Longer articles will be exceptionally accepted. The manuscripts must comply with the editorial norms.

Supplementary material such as data sets can be published in a Data Repository, the use of Mendeley is suggested.



As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

 "Conocimiento y Acción" is an open access journal, with no publication or access fee, and is published in PDF format. The publication is continuous and every six months the published manuscripts are ordered in volume and number defined by the Editorial Team.



The submitted articles must have one of the following typologies:

Los artículos presentados deberán tener una de las siguientes tipologías:


Research article. A document that provides a detailed presentation of the original results of completed research studies.

The structure of the article should have at least the following elements:


Review article. The document presents the results of a completed research that presents an updated overview of a relevant field of study to identify advances in the area and the main theoretical and methodological trends. Its main feature is a careful bibliographic review with at least 60 references.

The structure of the article should have the following elements:


Essay: Original essays on specific topics, with the objective of presenting the doctrinaire research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective. They will be submitted for peer review. Manuscripts should be between 8,000 and 12,000 words.

The structure of the article should have the following elements:



Language: The articles must be submitted and written in Spanish or English, with abstracts and keywords in both languages. If the article is originally in English, the article, abstract and keywords will be published in the original language, but the abstract and keywords must additionally be translated into Spanish.



Financing: The authors must specify the sources of financing for the research from which the submitted article is derived, including the title of the project, the financing entity or person, and project code or identifier (optional).

State of conflicts of interest: The authors must declare that there are no conflicts of interest in connection with the submitted article between the authors, the journal, the publishing entity, and the financing entities.

Acknowledgements: The authors may make acknowledgements to persons (as long have authorized the use of their names), entities or others who have been of assistance in making the article possible by providing technical, operating, or financial resources.



APA standards and references: the articles must strictly follow text citation and reference standards in accordance with international standards currently in effect, as suggested by the American Psychology Association (APA) 7th. edition.

The article’s authors are exclusively responsible for the list of references provided. Once the article has been accepted or published, no additions to the list will be accepted. The authors shall be responsible for the existence of each cited reference.



The published scientific articles can be viewed and can be openly accessed in electronic format with biannual periodicity and continuous publication. The journal receives submissions year-round, free of charge at any stage of the publishing process.



There are no fees or charges for the submission of publication of the articles.

The entire publishing process of “Conocimiento y Acción” is totally free of charge.