Cruz Prados, Alfredo. El sentido de la moral. Saber querer lo que en verdad se quiere. Pamplona: Eunsa, 2022, 170 pp. ISBN: 978-84-313-3768-1
Published 2024-04-30
How to Cite
In the present work, political philosophy professor Alfredo Cruz Prados presents a synthetic and accessible version of his masterful Desire and Verification. La estructura fundamental de la ética (Eunsa, 2015). Having done the work of exposing in a simple and brief way the ideas discussed in that text is due to the suggestion of colleagues of his at the University of Navarra, and the author does not disappoint. We only hope that he will be encouraged to do the same with the other two works that make up his trilogy of practical philosophy: Ethos and Polis. Bases for the reconstruction of political philosophy (Eunsa, 2015) and Sobre la realidad del Derecho. Filosofía jurídica (Eunsa, 2021). For the time being, we will say that this is an exceptional work, being at the same time clear and synthetic, without losing one iota of the rigor that characterizes the work of Professor Cruz Prados.